General Information
Blue whales have long, streamlined bodies with a small dorsal fin. The body is smooth, with small, light-colored patches. The color of a blue whale is grayish, with a slight bluish tint. The head, when seen from above, is U-shaped. There are 60 longitudinal grooves along the stomach and throat. These grooves stretch about halfway along the body.
Where They Live
Blue Whales can be found in almost all of the oceans of the world, but there are three main areas. One is in the northern Pacific, another, the northern Atlantic, and last, the southern Hemisphere.
Blue whales stay in the waters of the Antarctic in the summer, and then migrate toward warmer waters such as those of Brazil, Ecuador, South Africa, and - less often - Australia and New Zealand.
Population Decrease
Because of great amounts of blubber and flesh that blue whales have, industrial whalers have long preferred this species. Since the book I used has been written, the population has not increased.
newborn 23 feet -
female 85 feet 88-145 tons
male 82 feet 88-145 tons
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